Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Mystery of the Magical Forearm Lines

Maybe you can help me solve it.

Sometimes you find or think of something very interesting - something you would like to know more about. You search and search and ask and ask...but no one seems to have the answer. There's only one thing you can do...find the answer for yourself.

The other day my cousin pointed out to me a little horizontal line about an inch or two above her elbow crease. It was faint, and looked kind of like a scar or wrinkle. She told me that only the girls in our family have it. I looked and discovered (to my intense confusion) that I had them too, on both of my arms. We did a little survey and it appeared that while most of the girls (except one) seemed to have them on one or both arms, the boys didn't - except one, but his were very faint. Another thing we noticed was that the lines appeared to be more prominent on the left arm, excepting two cases (there were about nine "test subjects" in all). It seemed highly improbable that this was something peculiar to our family, so we decided to do some research.

While searching the internet, we found nearly nothing about this mysterious "crease". However, we did run across a few things. There were only two articles we found that mentioned this "crease" at all. What we found was that some people think that this line is found in people of Han Chinese descent. This was perplexing, because our family has absolutely no Asian ancestry AT ALL. However one site has a whole forum discussing this. It appears that people of Scandinavian or Celtic blood may have these as well. My mother's side is Irish and Scandinavian, and most of her family have them. Other people say that they're just wrinkles, stretch marks, caused by the sun etc. I suppose it may be something like this, but if they are genetic (and specific to a few specific races) that would be a really interesting thing to know. I'm dreadfully sorry that I couldn't come up with any picture.

So maybe you can help me get a bit closer to the answer to this Riddle of the Line.
Here are some things to think about:

1. Do you have these lines?
2. Do you have them on one or both forearms?
3. Which side of your elbow crease are they on (above or below)?
4. Do you have "doubles" (my little sister has one above and below her elbow crease on both arms)
5. How faint are they?
6. Are they more prominent on one arm?
7. What is your ancestry?

I encourage you to report your findings to the Comment Box.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I have these lines above both arms, the left one being more prominent. Theyre not too noticable unless you give them a small squeeze. I have english decent through and through, while my younger half brother has these and is 50% Italian. As a conspiracy therorist, i think they could be scars from a tracker or something else since thats the only thing that makes sense to me

  2. I have 2 lines on both forarms got them from my dad all my kids have them to. My father is Cherokee.

    1. I have Cherokee blood from my father and I too have two lines on both forearms.

    2. I have cherokee hebrew/jew welch
      Blood type b positive
      All from family maternal paternal and have these lines both sides arms :)

    3. Rh negative blood carries thus trait. Also extra tendon in wrist. Look up negative blood type.

    4. I have one on my right arm about 2" from the inside of my elbow. I am Welsh, German, French, and Cherokee. Although, mostly Welsh.

    5. I have 1 above each above each elbow, left is greater than right. I Italian, English, German in my blood. Im also O negative

    6. I seem to have these everywhere on my body... I have four on my left arm and four on the right ( left arm more visible), one above and three below on each. I've also noticed these behind my kneecap when I was looking at shoes in the mirror! I'm really confused since no one else in my family has them. I'm fully English (as from what I know), and I'm slim so it can't be fat or stretch marks... no one else seems to know but I think this page is quite interesting!

    7. This is freaky because I'm Latino no European or Asian lineage and I have the crease on both arms and exactly like you mentioned it is much more prominent on my left arm..... Ok now I'm curious....

    8. I have one mark on my right arm. Most the women in my family has the same line. I have cherokee, icelanic, and scotish heritage

    9. I have a "crease" on my right arm, about 3" down (towards my hand) from my elbow. My Father has mostly German on his side, while my mother has Scandinavian, Cherokee, Bohemian, and some Czechoslovakian on her side. My son is 10 and he also has one. But it is on his left arm

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. 1. Do you have these lines?
    Yes. All members of my maternal blood line have them.

    2. Do you have them on one or both forearms?
    We all have them on both.

    3. Which side of your elbow crease are they on (above or below)?
    They are located on our forearms.

    4. Do you have "doubles" (my little sister has one above and below her elbow crease on both arms)
    My sister and my daughter have 2 on their right arms.

    5. How faint are they?
    On a scale of 1-5, they're about a 2.

    6. Are they more prominent on one arm?
    7. What is your ancestry?
    Ashkenazic Jew, German, Native American

    1. yes above my right arm. I don't know who else has them. It is about a 4 or 5. only on my right arm. Italian decent.

  5. 1. Do you have these lines? Yes
    2. Do you have them on one or both forearms? Both
    3. Which side of your elbow crease are they on (above or below)? below
    4. Do you have "doubles" (my little sister has one above and below her elbow crease on both arms) no
    5. How faint are they? Pretty faint, it's hard to tell until I bend my arm.
    6. Are they more prominent on one arm? It's more prominent on my left arm
    7. What is your ancestry? I am roughly 75% German and 25% Irish, with a bit of Austrian thrown in there.

  6. Thank you, Toastyz, WindyCityGigi, Don, and KladfvbungMicshk for your input. I'll soon have enough for a decent study, perhaps! :)

  7. 1. Do you have these lines? Yes
    2. Do you have them on one or both forearms? Both
    3. Which side of your elbow crease are they on (above or below)? below
    4. Do you have "doubles" (my little sister has one above and below her elbow crease on both arms) No
    5. How faint are they? I didn't notice until a friend pointed them out
    6. Are they more prominent on one arm? Left
    7. What is your ancestry? Chinese

  8. A friend of mine noticed them in the pub one time and it ended up our entire circle of friends had them! For me the answers are...

    1: yes
    2: both
    4: no
    5: about a 3?
    6: Both the same
    7: from England with Celtic and scandinavian heritage going waaaay back,

    Also might be interesting, but my friend's new born baby also has them

    1. Thanks Unknown and Vivcore! I've also noticed them on newborns before!

    2. 1. Do you have these lines? Yes
      2. Do you have them on one or both forearms? I have them on both forearms
      3. Which side of your elbow crease are they on (above or below)? Both above and below
      4. Do you have "doubles" (my little sister has one above and below her elbow crease on both arms) yes
      5. How faint are they? The right side is faint but it's still obviously visible
      6. Are they more prominent on one arm? Yes, i had it more prominent on my left arm
      7. What is your ancestry? Chinese

    3. 1. Do you have these lines? Yes
      2. Do you have them on one or both forearms? I have them on both forearms
      3. Which side of your elbow crease are they on (above or below)? Both above and below
      4. Do you have "doubles" (my little sister has one above and below her elbow crease on both arms) yes
      5. How faint are they? The right side is faint but it's still obviously visible
      6. Are they more prominent on one arm? Yes, i had it more prominent on my left arm
      7. What is your ancestry? Chinese

    4. 1. Do you have these lines? Yes
      2. Do you have them on one or both forearms? I have them on both forearms
      3. Which side of your elbow crease are they on (above or below)? Both above and below
      4. Do you have "doubles" (my little sister has one above and below her elbow crease on both arms) yes
      5. How faint are they? The right side is faint but it's still obviously visible
      6. Are they more prominent on one arm? Yes, i had it more prominent on my left arm
      7. What is your ancestry? Chinese

    5. P.s. this is my father's account, im actually a 16 year old girl

  9. I noticed mine when I was a self conscious teenager and noticed my mother had them, too. My 3 year old grandson has them, and has had them since he was a tiny baby...a thin baby I would like to add, it is not because he was ever chubby.

    1. Do you have these lines? YES

    2. Do you have them on one or both forearms? BOTH

    3. Which side of your elbow crease are they on (above or below)? BELOW

    4. Do you have "doubles" NO

    6. Are they more prominent on one arm? NOT NOW, BUT I THINK WHEN I WAS YOUNG (MID 60s NOW)IT SEEMS THE LEFT WAS MORE PROMINENT.


    1. Dear kbuffknut
      I noticed your statement about additional elbow creases on this blog.
      I don’t believe these creases are anything to worry about, at all. I am interested in them only insofar as their inheritance is an academic puzzle.
      I am a doctor with a long history of research. If you want to check my good standing, please Google me – Saxby Pridmore – and you will find hundreds of my scientific papers, chapters and books.
      Some of the details you provided about family members who do, and do not, have the crease are scientifically fascinating (give genetic clues to how this crease may be inherited).
      If you are prepared to answer a few simple questions about these creases on your arms and those of relatives – please get in touch [s.pridmore.md(AT)gmail(DOT)com]. I will get back and tell you what I am looking for, and you can either answer or drop it.
      Saxby Pridmore, MD

    2. These are significant to Cherokee no doubt and Hebrew/Jew heritage
      People that have to Essa e are of same familys no doubt thousands generations
      Prime Minister Israel says blood line Cherokee are true Hebrew people
      So all your science won't give u answers when God has his people he is going to keep them distinct
      None is coincidence

    3. To the cool blog reply yes very well could be Sumarian
      I know people family's \re very old \ncient my f

  10. I have these on both arms, both above and below the crease. I'm of Hungarian descent, and there's a bit of Austrian and Turkish down the line. I've found that my other Hungarian friends have these lines too.
    Someone once told me that it was the Sumerians and other ancient people's that had these lines and that means we descended from them.

  11. I have them on both arms, on my forearms about two inches forward of the elbow joint on the inner parts of my arms. I've had them all my life. I am of mostly Celtic descent, with some French and German. Basically Scottish/French/German/Austrian/Scots Irish with a dasch of Czech.

  12. I just came across your blog while Googling these odd lines!

    1. Do you have these lines? Yes! Although, I have never thought to ask other family members if they too have them.
    2. Do you have them on one or both forearms?
    3. Which side of your elbow crease are they on (above or below)? Both
    4. Do you have "doubles" (my little sister has one above and below her elbow crease on both arms) Yes
    5. How faint are they? Mine have gotten fainter with time. I'm 21 now but they were more noticeable when I was little. The ones below the crease are smaller and are only on the inside "side" of my arms. The ones above go across the underside of my arms.
    6. Are they more prominent on one arm? No, at least not that I can tell.
    7. What is your ancestry? On my father's side Italian, on my mother's side, Irish. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a little something else mixed in along the way, but those are definitely the predominant genes.

    1. Thanks for the in-depth reply, MooshiePoo! I'm starting to realize that many people are wondering about these lines, but absolutely no one has any definitive evidence regarding what they are or mean. Perhaps it is time to revisit the topic...

    2. I have a VERY visible crease below my elbow on each arm. I am not entirely sure where my family comes from but I'm white male and I do have small percent Irish. My friend has this too and she thinks an alien abducted her and left those marks

    3. No your not! Don't believe that alien crap
      It's ancient descent Cherokee Hebrew

  13. yes I have the lines
    On both arms
    Two prominant lines are below the elbow and two very faint lines above the elbow
    My ancestry is Irish, Native American, Scandinavian,and dutch!

  14. i have these lines on my both arms . 2 on my right arm and one on my left. the left one is more visible they are above my elbow line and they are horizontal . it's interesting because i'm iranian with no celtic blood. but my skin is so white. the interesting thing is my mom doesn't have these lines. i hope it can help you !

    1. Dear Sylvia Vento
      I noticed your statement about additional elbow creases on this blog.
      I don’t believe these creases are anything to worry about, at all. I am interested in them only insofar as their inheritance is an academic puzzle.
      I am a doctor with a long history of research. If you want to check my good standing, please Google me – Saxby Pridmore – and you will find hundreds of my scientific papers, chapters and books.
      Some of the details you provided about family members who do, and do not, have the crease are scientifically fascinating (give genetic clues to how this crease may be inherited).
      If you are prepared to answer a few simple questions about these creases on your arms and those of relatives – please get in touch [s.pridmore.md(AT)gmail(DOT)com]. I will get back and tell you what I am looking for, and you can either answer or drop it.
      Saxby Pridmore, MD

  15. I have been wondering about these lines for a long time, as both my mother and I have them. I'm really glad someones trying to collect some data on it!

    I have two lines below my elbow crease that are about 4 -5 inches long. The line closest to my elbow is the most prominent and always visible unless I am really extending my arm. I am 28 and I have noticed them for as long as I can remember. I don't believe I was a particularly chubby baby either (I've seen that hypothesized as a reason for the lines). My ancestry is a European grab-bag (English, Scottish, Irish, French, German, Austrian, maybe a few more) with an alleged Cherokee great-great grandmother.

    Good luck finding an answer! I'm pretty into solving this mystery, so I'll post here again if I find any new info on it.

    1. There are many Hebrew Jew with from many nations due to the dispersing of them due war since roman's

  16. I have three parallel creases on my left forearm and one on my right. I am of Irish, Scandinavian and Prussian descent. I've always wondered about these, I've never seen anyone else with them!

  17. 1. Do you have these lines?

    2. Do you have them on one or both forearms?

    3. Which side of your elbow crease are they on (above or below)?

    4. Do you have "doubles" (my little sister has one above and below her elbow crease on both arms)

    5. How faint are they?

    6. Are they more prominent on one arm?

    7. What is your ancestry?
    HAN CHINESE (More specifically Zhejiang, Canton, Fujian). I also heard something about the pinky toenails too on those of Han Chinese descent. It’s like an extra tiny nail that sticks out like a digit, not noticeable at all / very obscure.

    1. I have them, and they are fairly prominent. I am irish/german/french/english/ukrainian. I was always told that it made you somehow related to the mongol huns (which makes sense for my ancestry, because of how far the mongols expanded{to the area of Ukraine}) Every ukrainian in my family has it.

    2. I heard that the lines came from my mongolian ancestry. I had a dna test doneand i truly have mongolian. I do not however have the sixth toenail.

  18. 1. Yes
    2. Both
    3. Above but both my daughters have them above and below on both arms. My son has none.
    4. No
    5. 3
    6. Prominent on left
    7. Swedish, Welsh, Scottish

  19. I wonder if it has to do with generational genetics...maybe significance of lifting or carrying baskets. I wonder if these lines would be absent on defendants of royalty.

  20. 1. Do you have these lines? Yes
    2. Do you have them on one or both forearms? Both
    3. Which side of your elbow crease are they on (above or below)? Forearm
    4. Do you have "doubles" (my little sister has one above and below her elbow crease on both arms) two on each arm
    5. How faint are they? scale of 1-5 about a 3
    6. Are they more prominent on one arm? No
    7. What is your ancestry? My moms side is Black, Irish, Italian, and Cherokee. My dad's side is Jamaican, English, and some other stuff

  21. I'm willing to wager that everyone who has these creases has one thing in common...they roll their sleeves up (coincidentally, up to the point where the crease appears).

  22. 1. Do you have these lines? I do.
    2. Do you have them on one or both forearms? Both my arms have them.
    3. Which side of your elbow crease are they on (above or below)? I have lines both above and below my elbow crease on each arm. My right arm actually has two lines below the elbow crease.
    4. Do you have "doubles" (my little sister has one above and below her elbow crease on both arms)? Yes (see above).
    5. How faint are they? When my arms are taut and straight, the lines are almost invisible, but if they are even slightly bended the lines become visible.
    6. Are they more prominent on one arm? They're more prominent on my right arm.
    7. What is your ancestry? I am part Ashkenazi Jewish "mutt" (Lithuanian, Austrian, and who knows what else!), Scottish, and Scandinavian.

  23. 1. Do you have these lines? Yes, I've never asked my family if they do as well though

    2. Do you have them on one or both forearms? I have them on both arms

    3. Which side of your elbow crease are they on (above or below)? My left arm has one about 2-3 cm below the elbow and one about 1 cm above it; my right arm has one about 2 cm below the elbow and another 3 cm below that one and one 2 cm above the elbow

    4. Do you have "doubles" (my little sister has one above and below her elbow crease on both arms)? Yes (see above)

    5. How faint are they? Scale 1-5; 1 being invisible and 5 being unavoidably noticeable: When my left arm is straight, the bottom one is a 2, but when bent 90 degrees, it's a 5; the above one looks like part of the elbow crease when straight but 90 degrees it's a 3. When my right arm is straight, both bottoms are 3, but when bent 90 degrees, they're 4; the above one is a 1 straight and 2 when held at 90 degree angle

    6. Are they more prominent on one arm?
    When straight, more prominent on my right, when bent, more prominent on my left.

    7. What is your ancestry? My mom is: English, Scottish, Irish, German, Italian. My dad is: German, English.

  24. Yes. My maternal side has them.

    Both arms


    No doubles

    On the scale from 1 to 5, its a 3 on the left and 2 on the right.

    More prominent on the left.

    Han Chinese, mongolian, malay archipelago, indian, and like 2% Scanfanavian, German. I had my dna test done so these are accurate

  25. 1. Do you have these lines? Yes, I do.

    2. Do you have them on one or both forearms?
    I have both

    3. Which side of your elbow crease are they on (above or below)? Above

    4. Do you have "doubles" (my little sister has one above and below her elbow crease on both arms) Nope, apparently not.

    5. How faint are they? One is very faint, while the other is more prominent

    6. Are they more prominent on one arm? Yes, my left arm.

    7. What is your ancestry?
    Celtic, German, Scandinavian, and a tiny bit of Cherokee on my mother's side, Italian, French, and Russian on my dad's side.

  26. 1. Do you have these lines? Yes
    2. Do you have them on one or both forearms? Both
    3. Which side of your elbow crease are they on (above or below)? above
    4. Do you have "doubles" (my little sister has one above and below her elbow crease on both arms) No
    5. How faint are they? medium in color
    6. Are they more prominent on one arm? right
    7. What is your ancestry? african american and puerto rican

  27. 1. Do you have these lines? Yes
    2. Do you have them on both forearms? Both
    3. Which side of your elbow crease are they on (above or below)? both
    4. Do you have "doubles"? Yes
    5. How faint are they? medium
    6. Are they more prominent on on arm? left
    7. What is your ancestry? Great Britain, Scandinavia, Ireland, Iberian Peninsula, Finnish/Northern Russia, trace of Italy/Greece, trace of European Jewish, trace of Near East, family tree links to Eastern Tribe of Cherokee in Kentucky.

  28. I am of Scottish / Irish ancestry. I have two on my right arm; one above (about a half inch from the elbow) and one below the elbow (about two and a half inches from the elbow). I have one on left arm below the elbow only; it is just shy of an inch away from my elbow. My two brothers have them too.

  29. Male, 34, German/Polish descent (mostly, but I don't know what else is in here... though I do know there is no chinese). Have had these lines on both forearms {lower, towards my hands}, 1 on each, in the same location on both arms exactly 2 inches from the crease of my elbow, my whole life. To my knowledge, all of my siblings have them as well, but I have never checked my parent's arms. Neither is more prominent, time of year and humidity does not matter. They are not creases in the same sense as your elbow, your forehead, your hands, etc. as there is nothing {that is, no body joint or muscle grouping} to cause creases there. They are not "scars", or at least, they do not look the same as other scar tissue I have on me and have seen in others, and there is no way that soooo many people out there would have identical scars as mine, and in the same f-ing position. The chances of that are nearly infinitesimal. I have been overweight all of my life, but my weight is carried in my midsection, not in my arms. It is not a fat issue, and anyone saying differently is grasping because they want to feel important to the conversation. I have have seen these lines in fat, thin, athletic, white, black, latino, Irish, Scottish, English, male, female, eunuch (not joking), post-op trans...etc. You get the idea. No one has given an actual, real, scientifically proven reason why these lines exist. On every site I go to, all I see is hearsay and conjecture from internet browsing lay people who come up with these wild-assed stories about what "they think" the lines are. On one site I went to, the guy posted the opinion that it was a sign of alien abduction and that they chopped off his arms for god knows what purpose then sewed them back on and sent him on his way... I COULD GET A BETTER STORY FROM MY 3 YEAR OLD NIECE! This is a world-wide phenomenon that spans race, gender, generation, and nationality, and yet no official inquiry or research by a reputable source has looked into this? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!?

    1. This is a real mark that got there only by heritage cherok^ is grandmother Jew grandfather it's real

  30. 1. Do you have these lines?
    2. Do you have them on one or both forearms?
    On both forearms
    3. Which side of your elbow crease are they on (above or below)?
    Below the elbow
    4. Do you have "doubles" (my little sister has one above and below her elbow crease on both arms)
    5. How faint are they?
    On the 1=faint to 5=prominent
    Left 1 with arm straight, 2 with elbow bent
    Right 2 with arm straight, 5 with elbow bent
    6. Are they more prominent on one arm?
    Yes, the right arm
    7. What is your ancestry?
    About 50% English, remainder Irish & Scottish

    1. Mother Cherokee Hebrew Jew grandmother father Cherokee Welch f\ther
      Grandfather maternal side Jew

  31. Hi my name is Rachael and I have creases about an inch and a half below my elbow on my forearm. I've always wondered what they were too! I am Scottish, Irish, welsh, and English so the Celtic thing is really interesting. :)

  32. 1. Do you have these lines? Yes
    2. Do you have them on one or both forearms? Both
    3. Which side of your elbow crease are they on Above
    4. Do you have "doubles" Yes, on my right arm; one is a few centimeters away from the other.
    5. How faint are they? They are pretty noticeable
    6. Are they more prominent on one arm? Yes, on my right arm.
    7. What is your ancestry? My mom is from El Salvador and my dad is from Ecuador. I have Spanish and Italian ancestry, but that's all I know.

  33. I have a line on each forearm, top, 1.5" from the deep elbow wrinkle, towards the wrist. I have seen a few above the deep elbow wrinkle but rarely. Mine are standouts! Very noticeable. I do have Cherokee ancestry on both sides. I live in North Georgia. All of the family who has Cherokee blood has the marks. Could it be the only race, ethnicity, on the planet with DISTINCT MARKINGS?

    1. Dear Cantgetawaywiththis,
      I noticed your statement about additional elbow creases on this blog.
      I don’t believe these creases are anything to worry about, at all. I am interested in them only insofar as their inheritance is an academic puzzle.
      I am a doctor with a long history of research. If you want to check my good standing, please Google me – Saxby Pridmore – and you will find hundreds of my scientific papers, chapters and books.
      Some of the details you provided about family members who do, and do not, have the crease are scientifically fascinating (give genetic clues to how this crease may be inherited).
      If you are prepared to answer a few simple questions about these creases on your arms and those of relatives – please get in touch [s.pridmore.md(AT)gmail(DOT)com]. I will get back and tell you what I am looking for, and you can either answer or drop it.
      Saxby Pridmore, MD

    2. Is anyone still reading the replies here? I have lines on my arms, but I'm not positive if it's the same as what you're describing. Can you post pictures on here ?

  34. Hi! So I have these creases as well on both arms my left side more prominent than right also I'm fat so it's even more noticeable I actually get asked about it if I wear tanktops and short sleeves so it's kinda made me bundle up >.< I don't even like wearing tshirts without a jacket in fear that it'll show..someone at my school asked me if it hurt..it's really embarrassing..it's like..I'm fat yea but I'd rather my whole arm be big than it to stop like 3 inches before my elbos..it's really hendered my way of life..I'm only 16 >.< I hate that I hate something about myself so young...

  35. 1. Do you have these lines? I do!
    2. Do you have them on one or both forearms? Both
    3. Which side of your elbow crease are they on (above or below)? Both, it's so weird. One on my left arm is even almost in the middle of my forearm.
    4. Do you have "doubles" (my little sister has one above and below her elbow crease on both arms) I have four on one arm and five on the other.
    5. How faint are they? Pretty prominent.
    6. Are they more prominent on one arm? Not really
    7. What is your ancestry? Welsh

  36. I have two elbow creases instead of one on both my arms (no one in my family appears to have the same). On my left arm there are also faint creases both above and below these when I bend it. I am of English (Yorkshire) origin

    1. Dear Emma,
      I noticed your statement about additional elbow creases on this blog.
      I don’t believe these creases are anything to worry about, at all. I am interested in them only insofar as their inheritance is an academic puzzle.
      I am a doctor with a long history of research. If you want to check my good standing, please Google me – Saxby Pridmore – and you will find hundreds of my scientific papers, chapters and books.
      Some of the details you provided about family members who do, and do not, have the crease are scientifically fascinating (give genetic clues to how this crease may be inherited).
      If you are prepared to answer a few simple questions about these creases on your arms and those of relatives – please get in touch [s.pridmore.md(AT)gmail(DOT)com]. I will get back and tell you what I am looking for, and you can either answer or drop it.
      Saxby Pridmore, MD

  37. 1. Do you have these lines? Yes
    2. Do you have them on one or both forearms? Both
    3. Which side of your elbow crease are they on (above or below)? Both are on my forearms.
    4. Do you have "doubles" (my little sister has one above and below her elbow crease on both arms) No.
    5. How faint are they? They're subtle.
    6. Are they more prominent on one arm? No.
    7. What is your ancestry? Italian-American.

  38. My Mama told me I already have that when i was born and in our culture and beliefs its a sign that you will get fat so easy but then it's not true I love eating and I'm not fat :) hahaha. Ancient people mind sometimes sucks
    Also in between my feet and legs
    Spanish Chinese Japanese Filipino
    ..they say its a lucky charm and that's what I believe because someone created us uniquely ,

    Amazing creases why does we have it? How this created when we're in our mothers womb?

  39. I have them on both arms, but on my left I have 6 or more, they are very faint. On my right arm only one but it is much more noticeable. I don't know my ancestry on my fathers side, but on my mothers it is English, Irish, Scottish and Dutch. My daughter has one on each arm. I am not sure about the rest of my family.

  40. Two prominent lines in antecubital area(inner elbow). I am of dark Norwegian and English descent. I am the ONLY one in my living family that has them.

    1. Dear Nicole Budge,
      I noticed your statement about additional elbow creases on this blog.
      I don’t believe these creases are anything to worry about, at all. I am interested in them only insofar as their inheritance is an academic puzzle.
      I am a doctor with a long history of research. If you want to check my good standing, please Google me – Saxby Pridmore – and you will find hundreds of my scientific papers, chapters and books.
      Some of the details you provided about family members who do, and do not, have the crease are scientifically fascinating (give genetic clues to how this crease may be inherited).
      If you are prepared to answer a few simple questions about these creases on your arms and those of relatives – please get in touch [s.pridmore.md(AT)gmail(DOT)com]. I will get back and tell you what I am looking for, and you can either answer or drop it.
      Saxby Pridmore, MD

  41. My theory: while we are in the womb, our arms are folded. Then at some point our forearms get a growth spurt and the elbow moves up.

  42. 1. Yes
    2. Only on my left arm
    3. Can't really say above or below - both lines are equally prominent (5/5) I don't have a "middle" fold.
    7. Scottish decent

  43. I have them on both arms. They are double but the one's below are less noticeable. They are more prominent on the left arm (right arm dominant though). They are really noticeable when arms are bent and still slightly noticeable when the arms are fully extended.
    Everyone in my family has them (maybe not doubles and always above) as far as I know and I have a really good sized family too.
    I am of German and Swedish descent. German and Swedish on my mom's side and just German on my dad's side.

    Does anyone know what these lines might mean for everyone who has them?

    1. I have on the inside of both forearms and on the back of both legs the same marks. I have three children and one granddaughter with the same marks in the same areas. My brother also have the marks in the same areas.
      My blood type and my btoher's blood type is o positive Rh negative. Just wonder what's everyone's blood type?

    2. Dear EmJAnd18
      I noticed your statement about additional elbow creases on this blog.
      I don’t believe these creases are anything to worry about, at all. I am interested in them only insofar as their inheritance is an academic puzzle.
      I am a doctor with a long history of research. If you want to check my good standing, please Google me – Saxby Pridmore – and you will find hundreds of my scientific papers, chapters and books.
      Some of the details you provided about family members who do, and do not, have the crease are scientifically fascinating (give genetic clues to how this crease may be inherited).
      If you are prepared to answer a few simple questions about these creases on your arms and those of relatives – please get in touch [s.pridmore.md(AT)gmail(DOT)com]. I will get back and tell you what I am looking for, and you can either answer or drop it.
      Saxby Pridmore, MD

  44. It's 3am, bored at work with my co-workers, when the "hey, do you guys have these lines?" question came up. Out of 6, 3 of us have them. All born with them, all one on each arm, all ages, all walks of life. Interesting! Shout out to all my peeps with lines! Peace!

  45. It's 3am, bored at work with my co-workers, when the "hey, do you guys have these lines?" question came up. Out of 6, 3 of us have them. All born with them, all one on each arm, all ages, all walks of life. Interesting! Shout out to all my peeps with lines! Peace!

  46. 1. Do you have these lines? Yes
    2. Do you have them on one or both forearms? Both
    3. Which side of your elbow crease are they on (above or below)? 1 above, 2-3 below
    4. Do you have "doubles"? I have triples on my right arm, doubles on left.
    5. How faint are they? They are prominent
    6. Are they more prominent on one arm? No
    7. What is your ancestry? Belgian, Jewish, Central European, Romani, German.

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. I have this line on both arms and both my daughter and son have them too, my sister and her 2 daughters have it but neither of our parents have them. Interesting could we be adopted?

    1. Dear Emy Valenzuela,
      I noticed your statement about additional elbow creases on this blog.
      I don’t believe these creases are anything to worry about, at all. I am interested in them only insofar as their inheritance is an academic puzzle.
      I am a doctor with a long history of research. If you want to check my good standing, please Google me – Saxby Pridmore – and you will find hundreds of my scientific papers, chapters and books.
      Some of the details you provided about family members who do, and do not, have the crease are scientifically fascinating (give genetic clues to how this crease may be inherited).
      If you are prepared to answer a few simple questions about these creases on your arms and those of relatives – please get in touch [s.pridmore.md(AT)gmail(DOT)com]. I will get back and tell you what I am looking for, and you can either answer or drop it.
      Saxby Pridmore, MD

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. I have them too as do my siblings. We had our DNA analyzed via National Geographic and have done extensive research on our own with ancestry.com and other resources. Our maternal line is
    English-Irish/French/Norwegian (if you go back in time). Going back further, we are Haplotype K. Approx. 15% of our DNA is unknown.

    Historians are now uncovering evidence that there was some kind of Celtic-Asian connection. There have been red haired Caucasian mummies found in Asia. There have been long standing theories that the Celtic
    Cross is actually Asian in origin.

    One of the more exciting cultural pieces of evidence comes from the traditional Irish band The Chieftains. A while ago they did a collaboration with a group of
    traditional Chinese musicians. Both groups were stunned and amazed that for almost every ancient traditional Irish tune they had, there was an equivalent
    Chinese counterpart and vice versa. This happened with dozens and dozens of tunes.This can't be coincidence. There must have been a cultural connection and more than just a few ancient musicians.

    We are finding out every day that our human history is far more complex, richer and older than we previously thought. Certain groups traveled more than we originally
    thought, trade was more varied.

    The Han Chinese are one of the largest ethnic groups, if not THE largest ethnic group in the world. It would not surprise me if some people far away from Mainland China
    had this ancestry. We have to keep an open mind. Science is discovering new things about our genetics every day.

    It is very exciting to add a new ethnicity to my genetic chart!

  51. For the record, my paternal line, who is Italian/Sicilian and never really moved from the area in their entire history does not have these lines. None of my paternal relatives have them. So, it's definitely related to particular ethnicity.

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I have fairly prominent lines on both arms below my antecubital fossa. My Maternal ancestors all came from Ireland. My Paternal relatives are from France.
      I'm adopted, so I don't know if my immediate family has them as well. My husband has the same lines as mine. He is 1/2 Irish and Polish.

  53. Yes. Both arms. Upper and lower, but I never really noticed the upper until after reading your information. Upper lines are faint, almost like a scar. The lower lines are fairly prominent. Same on both arms. I had heard they were genetic, so when each.of my children were born I checked. All three have second elbow creases, two.boys, one girl. My husband does not have any creases. My family is English/Irish. Best wishes with your study, I'd be interested in your findings.

    1. Dear all in a day
      I noticed your statement about additional elbow creases on this blog.
      I don’t believe these creases are anything to worry about, at all. I am interested in them only insofar as their inheritance is an academic puzzle.
      I am a doctor with a long history of research. If you want to check my good standing, please Google me – Saxby Pridmore – and you will find hundreds of my scientific papers, chapters and books.
      Some of the details you provided about family members who do, and do not, have the crease are scientifically fascinating (give genetic clues to how this crease may be inherited).
      If you are prepared to answer a few simple questions about these creases on your arms and those of relatives – please get in touch [s.pridmore.md(AT)gmail(DOT)com]. I will get back and tell you what I am looking for, and you can either answer or drop it.
      Saxby Pridmore, MD

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. I have lines on both forearms one above and one below the elbow crease. Both lines are prominent on both arms but more prominent on the right. Me and my twin sister both have these creases but as far as I know it's only me and my twin that have them. We're not adopted either. Not sure about my ancestry exactly I just know there's European and maybe native american.

    1. Dear Catherine Stanley
      I noticed your statement about additional elbow creases on this blog.
      I don’t believe these creases are anything to worry about, at all. I am interested in them only insofar as their inheritance is an academic puzzle.
      I am a doctor with a long history of research. If you want to check my good standing, please Google me – Saxby Pridmore – and you will find hundreds of my scientific papers, chapters and books.
      Some of the details you provided about family members who do, and do not, have the crease are scientifically fascinating (give genetic clues to how this crease may be inherited).
      If you are prepared to answer a few simple questions about these creases on your arms and those of relatives – please get in touch [s.pridmore.md(AT)gmail(DOT)com]. I will get back and tell you what I am looking for, and you can either answer or drop it.
      Saxby Pridmore, MD

  56. I have lines on both forearms one above and one below the elbow crease. Both lines are prominent on both arms but more prominent on the right. Me and my twin sister both have these creases but as far as I know it's only me and my twin that have them. We're not adopted either. Not sure about my ancestry exactly I just know there's European and maybe native american.

  57. 1. Do you have these lines?
    2. Do you have them on one or both forearms?
    3. Which side of your elbow crease are they on (above or below)?
    4. Do you have "doubles" (my little sister has one above and below her elbow crease on both arms)
    5. How faint are they?
    They're very visible.
    6. Are they more prominent on one arm?
    Yes, the left.
    7. What is your ancestry?
    Mexican. My family is from Mexicali, I hear there were a lot of Chinese there.

  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. 1. Do you have these lines? yes
    2. Do you have them on one or both forearms? both
    3. Which side of your elbow crease are they on (above or below)? Both above and below
    4. Do you have "doubles"? Yes, I have 1 above and 1 below on my left arm and 1 above and 2 below on my right arm.
    5. How faint are they? they are visible
    6. Are they more prominent on one arm? yes, the left
    7. What is your ancestry? English and possibly Jewish

  60. I have one on each arm, both below the elbow. My brother also has them - I remember talking about it, mystified, when we were kids. We do not know of any Asian ancestry, but my Mum & brother both have dry ear wax and their sweat has no scent. These are two traits that, according to genetic research, prove Asian ancestry.

  61. I have one on each arm, both below the elbow. My brother also has them - I remember talking about it, mystified, when we were kids. We do not know of any Asian ancestry, but my Mum & brother both have dry ear wax and their sweat has no scent. These are two traits that, according to genetic research, prove Asian ancestry.

  62. I'm female. I have double lines below the elbow on both arms. My daughter has them as well! Both sides just as prominent. (Very visible)
    Greek Mother, Italian Father.

  63. I have them on both forearms: 2 faint lines each below the elbow. I found this page b cause I'm thinking of having the ones on my right arm tattooed. I'm 59 and it would be my first. I've had these since I was a child. My fathers family was English descent and my uncle asked me when I was about 6 if I had my family's "shield" marks, so that s what I've always called them!

  64. I have them on both arms, more prominent on my left. But I also have them two inches above my elbow creases as well (very faint though). I'm of Scottish/Irish decent.

  65. Hello! Well done on researching this, I hope we find out soon!
    I have them on both arms, both below the elbow. Not sure about my family. They are pretty faint (but I have noticed them my whole life). My ancestry is English \Irish and I have super dark hair.

  66. Hi, I have one on my right arm, but faint. I am Japanese.

  67. Hi, I have one on my right arm, but faint. I am Japanese.

  68. 1. Do you have these lines?
    2. Do you have them on one or both forearms?
    they are only on my right arm.
    3. Which side of your elbow crease are they on (above or below)?
    below, they are on my upper forearm.
    4. Do you have "doubles" (my little sister has one above and below her elbow crease on both arms)
    i have 2 that are parallel to each other, both below my elbow crease.
    5. How faint are they?
    on a scale of 1-5 they are about a 2, pretty faint.
    6. Are they more prominent on one arm?
    they're only on one arm.
    7. What is your ancestry?
    half norwegian, and then the rest is unknown amounts of scottish, irish, dutch, and native american.

  69. 1. Do you have these lines?
    2. Do you have them on one or both forearms?
    3. Which side of your elbow crease are they on (above or below)?
    Above on left far right, right arm middle,then above elbow both sides. Also have 3 creases on right wrist and two on left wrist since a child.
    4. Do you have "doubles" (my little sister has one above and below her elbow crease on both arms)
    5. How faint are they?
    Very noticeable.
    6. Are they more prominent on one arm?
    Both arms the same
    7. What is your ancestry?
    Prodomedntly French,
    Greman,scottish,Cherokee ,scottish, irish the 23&me with dna for extra fee also showed Barbados and North Africa. All the women in my New Orleans family have them.

  70. 1. Do you have these lines?
    2. Do you have them on one or both forearms?
    3. Which side of your elbow crease are they on (above or below)?
    Above on left far right, right arm middle,then above elbow both sides. Also have 3 creases on right wrist and two on left wrist since a child.
    4. Do you have "doubles" (my little sister has one above and below her elbow crease on both arms)
    5. How faint are they?
    Very noticeable.
    6. Are they more prominent on one arm?
    Both arms the same
    7. What is your ancestry?
    Prodomedntly French,
    Greman,scottish,Cherokee ,scottish, irish the 23&me with dna for extra fee also showed Barbados and North Africa. All the women in my New Orleans family have them.

  71. 1. Do you have these lines? Yes

    2. Do you have them on one or both forearms?

    3. Which side of your elbow crease are they on (above or below)? forearms - so below.

    4. Do you have "doubles" (my little sister has one above and below her elbow crease on both arms)
    No, not that I can tell. The noticeable ones are on my forearms - about 2 inches below my elbow crease

    5. How faint are they? on a scale of 1-5 maybe like 2.75

    6. Are they more prominent on one arm?
    I don't think so. They look pretty even.

    7. What is your ancestry?
    I'm Welsh with Irish, Scottish and French ancestors. I have very pale skin with lots of light freckles, green eyes, 5ft 5.

  72. 1. Do you have these lines?
    2.Do you have them on one or both arms?
    3.Where are they locate in comparison to the elbow?
    forearms so I'm pretty sure below.
    4. Do you have doubles?
    I have doubles on my left arm but not my right.
    5.How faint are they? (Scale 1-5)
    6. Are they more prominent on one arm?
    Yes my left arm is a lot bolder than my right.
    7. What is your ancestry?
    I'm a mutt in terms of ancestry so I'll try to make this short. I'm mostly polish with a good chunk of Swedish in me. I also have a tiny little bit of Asian in me but we don't know and specifics on that. I also had lots of ancestors from Wales on my dad's side.

  73. 1. Do you have these lines?
    2.Do you have them on one or both arms?
    3.Where are they locate in comparison to the elbow?
    forearms so I'm pretty sure below.
    4. Do you have doubles?
    I have doubles on my left arm but not my right.
    5.How faint are they? (Scale 1-5)
    6. Are they more prominent on one arm?
    Yes my left arm is a lot bolder than my right.
    7. What is your ancestry?
    I'm a mutt in terms of ancestry so I'll try to make this short. I'm mostly polish with a good chunk of Swedish in me. I also have a tiny little bit of Asian in me but we don't know and specifics on that. I also had lots of ancestors from Wales on my dad's side.

  74. 1. Do you have these lines?
    2.Do you have them on one or both arms?
    3.Where are they locate in comparison to the elbow?
    4. Do you have doubles?
    5.How faint are they? (Scale 1-5)
    1-faint:5-deep they're a 3 & 4
    6. Are they more prominent on one arm?
    Yes my right... but I'm left handed
    7. What is your ancestry?
    Paternal: Wales English Cherokee; maternal: German Cherokee

  75. 1. Do you have these lines?
    2. Do you have them on one or both forearms?
    3. Which side of your elbow crease are they on (above or below)?
    4. Do you have "doubles" (my little sister has one above and below her elbow crease on both arms)
    One on each arm.
    5. How faint are they?
    on a scale of 1-5 they are about a 2.
    6. Are they more prominent on one arm?
    they're on both arms, but one is a bit more prominent.
    7. What is your ancestry?
    Hispanic(Panamanian) from both parents, but have Indigenous(Kuna), Italian, African and a bit of Asian ancestry.

  76. 1. Do you have these lines?

    2. Do you have them on one or both forearms?
    Both arms.

    3. Which side of your elbow crease are they on (above or below)?
    In order not to confuse - the part between my elbow and hand. App. 3-4 cm from the elbow.

    4. Do you have "doubles" (my little sister has one above and below her elbow crease on both arms)
    No doubles.

    5. How faint are they?
    They're pretty visible. It looks like many other wrinkles around my hand.

    6. Are they more prominent on one arm?
    Right one is somewhat larger and better visible.

    7. What is your ancestry?
    Dutch, German, Italian and a Indonesian. The latter is where it might come from.

  77. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. 1. Do you have these lines?
      2. Do you have them on one or both forearms?
      3. Which side of your elbow crease are they on (above or below)?
      4. Do you have "doubles" (my little sister has one above and below her elbow crease on both arms)
      5. How faint are they?
      When extended they look like dark thin line but when bended they look slighty deep making them visible
      6. Are they more prominent on one arm?
      Yes my left one
      7. What is your ancestry?
      Filipino( not really sure because the Philippines has been conquered by many foreign countries like Spain, American, Japan, China etc.)

    2. Almost everyone in my family has it...... some are more fainter than others... This is so interesting I hope answers will be found soon:))

  78. 1. Do you have these lines?
    2. Do you have them on one or both forearms?
    Just one
    3. Which side of your elbow crease are they on?
    Forearm, left hand
    4. Do you have "doubles" (my little sister has one above and below her elbow crease on both arms)
    5. How faint are they?
    Same as crease, or clearly visible
    6. Are they more prominent on one arm?
    Yes, only left
    7. What is your ancestry?
    I'm Han Chinese, and come from center of China,Yellow river basin, which is cradle of Han Chinese culture.

  79. 1. Do you have these lines?
    2. Do you have them on one or both forearms?
    Just one
    3. Which side of your elbow crease are they on?
    Forearm, left hand
    4. Do you have "doubles" (my little sister has one above and below her elbow crease on both arms)
    5. How faint are they?
    Same as crease, or clearly visible
    6. Are they more prominent on one arm?
    Yes, only left
    7. What is your ancestry?
    I'm Han Chinese, and come from center of China,Yellow river basin, which is cradle of Han Chinese culture.

  80. Yes I do two of them.Only on my left.Forearm,yes.One is really fainted and the other one is visible.Yes they are.Mexican.

  81. 1. Do you have these lines? Yes
    2. Do you have them on one or both forearms? Only on my right arm.
    3. Which side of your elbow crease are they on (above or below)? Both above and below.
    4. Do you have "doubles" (my little sister has one above and below her elbow crease on both arms) Not sure what it means.
    5. How faint are they? The one below my elbow crease is pretty visible. Other one not so.
    6. Are they more prominent on one arm? I only have them on my right arm.
    7. What is your ancestry? Taiwanese

  82. 1. Do you have these lines? Yes
    2. Do you have them on one or both forearms? Only on my right arm.
    3. Which side of your elbow crease are they on (above or below)? Both above and below.
    4. Do you have "doubles" (my little sister has one above and below her elbow crease on both arms) Not sure what it means.
    5. How faint are they? The one below my elbow crease is pretty visible. Other one not so.
    6. Are they more prominent on one arm? I only have them on my right arm.
    7. What is your ancestry? Taiwanese

  83. 1. Do you have these lines?

    2. Do you have them on one or both forearms?
    Both of them.

    3. Which side of your elbow crease are they on (above or below)?

    Above and below the elbow crease, at about 3 fingers distance each.

    4. Do you have "doubles" (my little sister has one above and below her elbow crease on both arms)
    Yep, answered at question 3.

    5. How faint are they?

    Pretty faint, no one but me observed them, the ones below my elbow are more visible though.

    6. Are they more prominent on one arm? Both of them are just as prominent.

    7. What is your ancestry?
    I`m Romanian ( Southeast of Europe) but my mother`s side has a Polish surname (they lost the track for the origin of their name around WWI so I`m not sure on that) and my father`s surname indicates his Serbian ancestry, but then again, I`m not sure as how far the ancestry goes, for either parts as they have provided me with very little information.

  84. Myself:
    1. Do you have these lines? yes

    2. Do you have them on one or both forearms? both

    3. Which side of your elbow crease are they on (above or below)? above

    4. Do you have "doubles" (my little sister has one above and below her elbow crease on both arms)
    5. How faint are they? noticiable when arm is bent

    6. Are they more prominent on one arm? no

    7. What is your ancestry? Irish

    my friend

    1. Do you have these lines? yes
    2. Do you have them on one or both forearms? both
    3. Which side of your elbow crease are they on (above or below)?

    4. Do you have "doubles" (my little sister has one above and below her elbow crease on both arms) no

    5. How faint are they? noticible when bent and in photos
    6. Are they more prominent on one arm?
    not really
    7. What is your ancestry?
    german, irish, native american

  85. 1. Do you have these lines?
    Yes. My mother and all my siblings do too.

    2. Do you have them on one or both forearms?
    We all have them on both, in exactly the same place

    3. Which side of your elbow crease are they on (above or below)?
    Forearms. A few centimeters from the elbow crease.

    4. Do you have "doubles" (my little sister has one above and below her elbow crease on both arms)
    No. All the same.

    5. How faint are they?
    Depends on the position of my arm. When stretched out it almost disappears but when curled up the line becomes really prominent.

    6. Are they more prominent on one arm?

    7. What is your ancestry?
    Heavily celtic, half my family are scottish highlanders and my mother was born into Clan Stewart of Appin. My father's side is originally german.

  86. 1. Do you have these lines?
    2. Do you have them on one or both forearms?
    3. Which side of your elbow crease are they on (above or below)?
    Both in my forearms.
    4. Do you have "doubles" (my little sister has one above and below her elbow crease on both arms)
    5. How faint are they?
    When I bend my arms they are pretty visible, but when my arms are relaxed they don't show off much.
    6. Are they more prominent on one arm?
    Not really
    7. What is your ancestry?
    I'm brazilian, so it's a little bit hard to tell. I know I have portuguese, dutch, african, native american, jewish and gipsy blood, but maybe there's more than I know.

  87. 1. Do you have these lines?
    2. Do you have them on one or both forearms?
    3. Which side of your elbow crease are they on (above or below)?
    Both in my forearms.
    4. Do you have "doubles" (my little sister has one above and below her elbow crease on both arms)
    5. How faint are they?
    When I bend my arms they are pretty visible, but when my arms are relaxed they don't show off much.
    6. Are they more prominent on one arm?
    Not really
    7. What is your ancestry?
    I'm brazilian, so it's a little bit hard to tell. I know I have portuguese, dutch, african, native american, jewish and gipsy blood, but maybe there's more than I know.

  88. My 2 year old daughter has in on her left arm only. She's had it ever since she was born so it must be genetic.

  89. This line is what is left over from the fat creases you had when you were a baby. I have them on both arms. Ive always called them my fat crinkles. If you look at pictures of babies they all have them. Its just a left over crease. Simple as that.

    1. My daughter has 4 horizontal lines on the same forearm between her elbow and wrist. As a baby she was always under weight, so they are clearly not due to being a fat baby

  90. My husband noticed them first and claims I'm an alien and these lines are the seams for my human suit, ha ha! Anyway...
    1. Do you have these lines? Yes
    2. Do you have them on one or both forearms? Both
    3. Which side of your elbow crease are they on (above or below)? Below or closer to my wrists.
    4. Do you have "doubles"? No
    5. How faint are they? Faorly noticeable.
    6. Are they more prominent on one arm? Same on both.
    7. What is your ancestry? English/Scottish on one side and German/Danish on the other.

  91. 1) yes
    2) one
    3) below 4 line between wrist and elbow
    5) in her 13 years of life I never noticed them until she recently was admitted to hospital for separate reasons and the social worker interviewing her thought she had been cutting herself. But they don't look like knife cuts old or new.
    4) there are 4 horizontally lines about an inch apart from eachother between elbow and wrist.
    5) now that I've seem them fairly noticeable
    6) yes m
    7) German,Scottish,english, Native American! Scandinavian

  92. 1. yes
    2. both
    3. forearms (~3 cm from elbow)
    4. no doubles
    5. quite obvious on my left arm when it is bent, but not visible when straight; very faint on right arm
    6. much more prominent on left arm
    7. korean

  93. Do you have these lines? Yes
    2. Do you have them on one or both forearms? Yes
    3. Which side of your elbow crease are they on (above or below)? Below
    4. Do you have "doubles" (my little sister has one above and below her elbow crease on both arms) No
    5. How faint are they? Very noticeable as a child, still noticeable as an adult but not as much. Could be due to difference between adult and child skin smoothness.
    6. Are they more prominent on one arm? No
    7. What is your ancestry? Native American, German, Irish that I know of.

    I always thought they were fat wrinkles from being a fat baby.

  94. This comment has been removed by the author.

  95. This comment has been removed by the author.

  96. This comment has been removed by the author.

  97. This comment has been removed by the author.

  98. I have 3 lines on my right arm, 2 below the elbow and 1 on the bicep. 2 on my left arm above and below. They are very predominant.
    I'm physically fit.
    Mix breed - Mexican and German (possibly some Irish/ Celtics decent.)
    Red heads and blonds green blue eyes in the German side.
    Interested in all theories. I've heard some wild ones from Ancient Super-Race Blood to Natural Scars from develop in the womb. Any updates on research?

  99. I have one on my right arm below the elbow. I remember having one on my left as a child. The one on my right arm only reappeared within the last year.
    It is faint.
    I don't know about others in my family.
    I am if Scottish, Irish and English descent.

  100. 1. Do you have these lines? Yes.
    2. Do you have them on one or both forearms? Both forearms.
    3. Which side of your elbow crease are they on (above or below)? Both on each forearm, although more prominent below on each.
    4. Do you have "doubles" (my little sister has one above and below her elbow crease on both arms) Yes.
    5. How faint are they? A six on a scale from 1-10, one being the least, 10 being the highest.
    6. Are they more prominent on one arm? Yes, my left.
    7. What is your ancestry? Czech/Slovakian and German.
    Nobody else in my immediate family appears to have these lines.

  101. Very strange thing, but I have never had these lines until I recently started working out and building muscle. I just started noticing them and was searching online for answers. I'm 54 and have never had them until now. Both arms about 1-1/2" above elbow crease.

  102. I have these creases deeply in both arms above and below. The left side is slightly deeper.
    I always have laughingly said I am Japanese but found that B blood types are from Asia. After twenty years searching, have not found where my two lines are from. My dads side looks Scottish and my mom looks Irish and both from the South where these lines are prevalent but do not know.

  103. I have these creases deeply in both arms above and below. The left side is slightly deeper.
    I always have laughingly said I am Japanese but found that B blood types are from Asia. After twenty years searching, have not found where my two lines are from. My dads side looks Scottish and my mom looks Irish and both from the South where these lines are prevalent but do not know.

  104. This comment has been removed by the author.

  105. My nationality is Irish/Hawaiian/Asian and I have deep "doubles" on both of my forearms below my elbow . My mother does as well, but hers aren't as prominent as mine. I also have a friend who has one below his elbow crease but he is Salvadorian. I've always wondered about these strange horizontal marks! What could the answer be!

  106. I am Greek, 100 percent as far as I know and have for as long as I can remember. I am 50 years old, female. Slightly more prominent on my left but both on lower side, below elbow on forearm

  107. I am a male Chinese residing in Singapore. I do have these horizontal lines on both my left and right forearms. My answers to your queries:

    1. Do you have these lines? Yes
    2. Do you have them on one or both forearms? Both
    3. Which side of your elbow crease are they on (above or below)? Above
    4. Do you have "doubles" (my little sister has one above and below her elbow crease on both arms) single
    5. How faint are they? Scale of 1-5, it's 3
    6. Are they more prominent on one arm? Same
    7. What is your ancestry? Chinese, probably Han

  108. I've also found few male friends in Singapore who have these lines. I also had an occasion to meet some businessmen in China. Over dinner we happened to talk about these lines and to my surprise I found few of them had them too.

  109. These lines are from when you were a baby. If you look at any baby's arms, I'd say that most of them have more than one crease. It is just that as you grow, your skin stretches those creases out and then they become faint to where you cannot see them as much.

  110. My last name is Sheffield. I am uncertain of my lineage as I have never researched it in depth (this is why I included my surname). I have creases on both arms with the left being more prominent, but only the one on my left arm is visible until I bend my arms. I have a double on the left arm as well. (3 lines total) All three are on my forearms. My 6-year-old daughter has one on her left forearm. I've always wondered what they are!

  111. 1. Do you have these lines? No
    2. Do you have them on one or both forearms? Neither in any of my immediate family.
    7. What is your ancestry? 10+ generations through my Dad are 100% Norwegian verified DNA samples taken, Mom's family is Scotch Irish, German, and Cherokee.

  112. 1. Do you have these lines? yes
    2. Do you have them on one or both forearms? Both
    3. Which side of your elbow crease are they on (above or below)? Above
    4. Do you have "doubles" no
    5. How faint are they? Scale of 1-5, right arm 4 left arm 2
    6. Are they more prominent on one arm? more prominent on right arm. my daughter has the same
    7. What is your ancestry?moms side - Irish and Scottish dads side - English and Native

  113. 1. Do you have these lines? yes
    2. Do you have them on one or both forearms? Only on my left forearm.
    3. Which side of your elbow crease are they on (above or below)? 2 inch above the elbow.
    4. Do you have "doubles" no
    5. How faint are they? It can be easily seen.
    6. Are they more prominent on one arm? I only have it on 1 arm.
    7. What is your ancestry? Han chinese

  114. 1. Yes
    2. both
    3. below
    4. no
    5. Easily seen
    6. prominent on both
    7. African descent


  115. 1. I have it on my left arm so does my youngest son
    2. Just the left
    3. Below
    4. No
    5. Not faint
    6. Are they more prominent on one arm?
    7. European Jewish

  116. Both arms, prominent above (even have veins running through them like my regular elbow crease), faint lines below both. Scottish/English/German descent. Grandfather also had them as well as my son

    1. Random thought, My son and I also have an extra crease that looks like a smile across our stomach from hip to hip

  117. 1. Yes.
    2. Yes.
    3. Both below and above, but those below are very faint.
    4. Yes
    5. They are very noticeable when i bend my arm.
    6. They're similiar.
    7. Lithuanian, Russian, i believe there's Asian ancestry witch came from my mother, she has a lot of Asian features. And we both have dry ear wax.

  118. 1. Do you have these lines? Yes
    2. Do you have them on one or both forearms? Both
    3. Which side of your elbow crease are they on (above or below)? Left arm single below elbow very deep and above very faint. Right arm double below elbow very faint none above.
    4. Do you have "doubles" see above
    5. How faint are they? See above
    6. Are they more prominent on one arm? Yes
    7. What is your ancestry? Croatian, German , Ukrainian

  119. One on both arm. Very defined on my right an itch and a half from my elbow on the under side of my forearm, but faint on my left arm in the same distance.

    My father's side is heavily Irish and native American whereas my mother's side, my great great.ect grandpa was William McIntosh of the creek indian tribe who originated from Scotland. Along with more Scottish ancestry on my mom's side.


  120. Both left an right arms, remarkably similar in terms of crease depth, and length. Ancestry Celtic and Spanish


  121. 1. Do you have these lines? Yes
    2. Do you have them on one or both forearms? Both
    3. Which side of your elbow crease are they on (above or below)? Below
    4. Do you have "doubles" (my little sister has one above and below her elbow crease on both arms)no
    5. How faint are they? They stand out when i bend my elbows
    6. Are they more prominent on one arm? No
    7. What is your ancestry? French Canadian (possibly some first nation on that side) German, Ukrainian (possibly turkish ukranian)

  122. I have them on both arms, below elbows. Have always had them. I'm German.

  123. I have them on both forearms, and also on both legs just below the knee on the back side. I'm female, my mtDNA is J1C2. I am mostly northern European, some southern European.

  124. 1. Yes
    2. Both
    3. Below
    4. No
    5. Very visible - all my life
    6. More prominent on right
    7. Irish/English

  125. I have them on both arms. Very visible and have been forever. 2 lines each arm, both above and below the elbow. Same both sides. English.

  126. I have them on both arms, they are really faint but more prominent when I bend my arm. They are below the elbows except on my right arm I have a really faint line above as well. I'm mostly caucasian with Chinese heritage as well

  127. 1. Both arms
    2. Left arm, below only, right arm above and below
    3. More prominent on right side
    4. 8 siblings all have them, plus 3 grandchildren
    5. Mother English, father Ukranian

  128. Botg arms
    I have 4 creases on each arm 1 below, 1 in the crease, 2 above
    Very prominent on both sides
    Mother and father both Danish

  129. I have 3 extra identical creases on both arms. 2 below the elbow and one above. I’ve always had them and they are faint but noticeable. My ancestry is all over the place tbh Ive got a little bit of everything

  130. Both arms, about an inch and a half below the elbow crease. My wife has them too. I'm English Irish Scottish, she's Filipino..
    Interestingly my family has them also and so does hers... Mine on my father's side, hers on her mother's

  131. 1. Both
    2. Below (my forearm)
    3. No
    4. No
    5. Noticeable but not prominent
    6. They’re about equal
    7. French, Polish, Indian, Yugoslavian

  132. Got them two on top one on bottom both elbows one on top and bottom on my knees and one line about three inches above ankles I’m not fat or skinny don’t know blood type I’m interested in knowing why I have this my kids got them too.

  133. Hi I'm South Africa & I'm from a Irish, Portuguese & English descent & have no dominant Asian descent in my blood.
    I have this line prominent on my left forearm & have nothing on my right forearm.

    I have also done some research & surveyed a few people, finding that it is more prominent in girls than boys.

    I've always wanted to find an answer to this mystery line.

  134. I have the line on my right forearm. My mom was full blood German and my dad a mix of Irish, Scottish and who knows what else.

  135. I have one below my elbow, I am "British"

  136. I have two crease lines below the elbow, one on each side. The left one is more prominent and the right is faint. My ancestry is Native American,and Spanish mostly. I have very little German and French.

  137. I have these creases on both arms (under the elbow)—two on the right arm, and one of the left, which is more prominent. They are all relatively (?) faint. My ancestry is Northern European.

  138. I have these quite prominently and so do 3 of my 5 children. Ancestry is English/Danish and Iranian.

  139. Hi I have these lines asc well, only on my left arm. I didn't notice these lines until I had my second child. I a carry him pretty much exclusively with my non dominant hand (left) I also found many women (and one man) who said they developed these after their second child and appear with every subsequent child. I think it may have something to do with holding children. Im Irish and Scandinavian decent.

  140. 1. Do you have these lines? Yes
    2. Do you have them on one or both forearms? Both forearms
    3. Which side of your elbow crease are they on (above or below)? I have above AND below
    4. Do you have "doubles" (my little sister has one above and below her elbow crease on both arms) Yes, I have doubles
    5. How faint are they? It depends on the position of my arm..When I completely lay my arm straight, they are barely noticeable.
    6. Are they more prominent on one arm? Yes, my left arm
    7. What is your ancestry? Hispanic
    It is interesting how I got my 23andme Ancestry test results last year and turns out I’m about 30% Indigenous. Also interesting how both of my parts are both 30% Indigenous as well and have these mysterious lines as well.

  141. Check this out, I don't have any lines near my elbow crease but my boyfriend has two elbow crease lines on his left arm. Wow, wait a minute.... I do have lines!!I have a line above my elbow crease on the inner part of my arm, on both arms. I have a tan completion and the lines are lighter then the rest of my arm and pretty faint but there is no crease what so ever. Its just a white line. I have no asian, scandanavion, or celtic. I am hispanic, mostly native american, french, and Spaniard.

  142. I have lines above and below my elbow grease on both arms. Pretty prominent. My ancestory is French, Irish, English, German, and Canadian.

  143. I have the lines on both of my forearms, that runs all along. They are very prominent on both of my arms! People often think they are scars. I am Irish Scottish and of German descent!

  144. I had never noticed them before, Have them on both arms, more prominent on the left but both clearly defined 3" long. I am Canadian of Norwegian and Danish descent.

  145. I have them on both arms.Im French and Scottish. What I'm hearing from other people makes me think that it might me a blood type thing, I don't know though.

  146. Wish I could post a pic. But I have also came across you blog searching for info on my crease. Mine is on both arms exact same spots about 1 to 2 inches below my elbows. I am Norwegian, English, Scottish, Irish, Danish and Finnish.

  147. I have them too. I remember my granmother having them and telling me they where a family trait. Now I noticed my 2 little ones have them too.
    In my case, I have them in both arms and are quite profund. Are 2 lĂ­neas in each arm. Part of my family comes from italy and the other one from spain, but in both cases I know as back as great gran parents only.

  148. I have these lines to BUT I noticed that they form over time, so it first appeared on my left arm and then later on my right. This happened when I was 15 I think and I just hate them. Oh and my family has Serbian lineage. So no Asian blood

  149. I have these lines that are only noticeable on my left forearm that come and go. Most often not there. Strangest thing. Started when I moved down south from the west. Am Irish, Welsh, English, German, Italian, French, Algonquin with small traces ofJewish and Iberian. Never heard of anyone else in my family having this but will check. Also appeared after first child n more prominent now while breastfeeding my second. What the...

  150. I am Sri Lankan and me and most of my friends have it on our right hand.

  151. 1. Do you have these lines? Yes
    2. Do you have them on one or both forearms? Both
    3. Which side of your elbow crease are they on (above or below)? About an inch above the elbow towards my hand.
    4. Do you have "doubles" (my little sister has one above and below her elbow crease on both arms) No doubles
    5. How faint are they? They are easier to see if I flex my arms.
    6. Are they more prominent on one arm? No they are pretty equal on both arms
    7. What is your ancestry? Half ashkenazi jew, the other half is mostly irish, british, scandinavian, finnish, possibly some other european.
    Also have you noticed anything about age, because I'm 24, but my parents don't have it and I have seen more people near my age with it.

  152. ........ I'm pretty sure this is where your elbow used to bend when you were a child. As you got older your arm grew longer and now you are left with the evidence of growth. I'm pretty sure everybody has these. It is just easier to see on some people than others.

  153. 1. Do you have these lines?
    - yes
    2. Do you have them on one or both forearms?
    - both
    3. Which side of your elbow crease are they on (above or below)?
    - above and below
    4. Do you have "doubles"
    - yes
    5. How faint are they?
    - very visible below and faint above
    6. Are they more prominent on one arm?
    - no
    7. What is your ancestry?
    - mostly Ukrainian with some Jewish

  154. 1.i do have these lines
    2.i do have them on both of my forearms
    3. I have 2 above my forearm and one under on each forearm
    5. Very visible above but kinda faint below in both forearms.
    7. Mexico,spain,and the UK.
