This blog makes me feel important. However, I hardly think that that adjective and any reference to me should ever belong in the same sentence.
I like to pretend that I am a linguist, a philologist, a thinker, a writer, a delightful wit, a Celt (or Anglo-Saxon, depending on my present mood), a tin whistle player or various other Important People. Alas, I am not. I am a silly hillbilly American 16 year old Catholic who goes to a public school, likes cheese and big words, washes dishes, bumps into walls, and drives everyone crazy pretending I'm a polyglot. I am not important; I never have been, and chances are I never shall be. But I'm okay with that.
At first I was hesitant to reveal my age because I suffer dreadfully from Pride. This affliction allowed me to foolishly hope and believe that perhaps no one would notice my glaringly obvious amateurishness. However, after my first few posts, I realized that I was not nearly clever enough to pretend that I was something I was so apparently not.
Honestly, I'm not sure that I will ever get past 30 page views-but really, I'm okay with that. Some of us are just meant to be Lowly Little Hobbit-folk all our lives (but hey, look how happy they are). If you find anything here that irks you, annoys you, angers you (I hope not...) confuses you or appears to be unbearably asinine and childish to you, by all means, don't hesitate to put this whole thing out of your mind and into the distant past. If I could refund your time I would.
I put things on here that I find interesting, and from what I've heard there are an awful lot of people in this world, and SURELY there is SOME isolated tribe of people out there who finds these things interesting too, however poorly presented. If not, than I'm afraid my facts must be wrong, and my suspicions correct that there really is no world outside of The Ozarks (and you can bet your pocketknife and BB gun that not many here care much about Asperate Mutations in Welsh). So please, if you would be so kind after I have offended your intelligence by my poor writing, give me another chance...I promise I'll improve or die trying.
(this is the real disclaimery part of the disclaimer)
And I implore you, DO NOT EXPECT MUCH FROM A POOR SILLY HOBBIT SUCH AS MYSELF!!! But remember, whilst dealing with hobbits, there is often more than meets the eye, and even Gandalf Greyhame was surprised. As you might be if you bear with me through the difficulties of writing with a semi-public school education.
Bottom-line, I'm not really so much always who I fancy myself to be, however, I like to think dear Clive Staples put it best when he said that "very often the only way to get a quality in reality is to start behaving as if you have it already."
Unfortunately, I don't think that will be so helpful in the way of becoming an ancient Celt...but one can always hope.
Happy reading!